For more than 37 years Newtec has occupied a very strong position in the market. We know our customers requirements in a constantly developing market, and we remain capable of attracting and keeping the services of the very best software developers, engineers, and craftsmen.
This position gives us the capability of following the market and its demands, keeping focused on development and innovative solutions. Our advanced technology allows us to offer our customers the very latest solutions without compromising basic requirements such as user friendly interfaces, easy cleaning and straight forward maintenance.
In other words products that live up to one of Newtec's fundamental philosophies: keep it simple.
Newtec focuses on detailed engineering and workmanship without going for easy solutions or short-term gain.
101-150 medarbejdere.
NewtecStærmosegårdsvej 18
5230 Odense M
Telefon: 66158444
Fax: 66154439